The Supreme Court is likely to have a ruling on the constitutionality of Obama's Affordable Health Care Act in the coming days. The timing comes at no more of a crucial time as the campaigns set to take full effect in the next month. Should the hearing be overruled, stating that the act passed in March, 2012 is constitutional and will proceed to become law that most individuals be required to purchase health insurance is viewed as a democratic victory. For the most part it is. By allowing the law to pass, a major plan on Obama's agenda will be said to have been successful along with withdrawal from Iraq, successful capture of the nation's leading enemy and an economy that when compared to the majority of Europe is holding it's own. It also is a showing of the ideals that Obama launched his campaign on four years ago with reaching bilateral consensus on legislation and stopping the impasses that prevent our government from functioning. Even though deadlock between the caucuses has set the tone for this last presidential term, it does revitalize Obama's Hope message.
If it doesn't pass and the major impediment that every state with a Republican governor is attempting to appeal then the Republican's have something to celebrate but are still left holding a record of no accomplishments for four years. Now think about Massachusetts for a minute. Mitt Romney passed the universal healthcare that was the model for what Obama and his advisors have devised for the nation. The statewide plan was the largest piece of legislation that Romney achieved in his one term as Republican governor. So for his policy record, being able to say to the American people that he successfully passed essentially that same policy that he's going to be responsible in implementing for the nation is probably the best platform that he can stand behind. He's hopeless in winning the votes of the hispanics and women on the talking points of job improvements, lower taxes, and balancing the budget. So based on the agenda that he envisions, his bid for presidential nomination doesn't stand much of a chance because his social ideology has pandered so far to the right in order to secure the republican nomination.
Therefore standing behind a plan that he enacted and that has had great success in Massachusetts, would be a campaign dream. With this he'd be responsible for taking authority on a policy enactment with which he has immense experience as he firsts steps into office in January. It will be interesting to see how this shapes the political election if the Supreme Court decides to take restraint and allow ObamaCare to take effect. Like it or not, the Republicans could just be holding a game changing strategy.